While these billions of people certainly had the confidence – even if it was almost always misplaced – what they lacked was the means to instantaneously and continually share their avowed brilliance with everybody. Then, Al Gore invented the Internet. It would be his second most famous invention after Global Warming.
Sometime after the internet sprung fully-formed from the earnest brow of the former Vice-President, other people, doubtless inspired by Mr Gore and his Nobel Prize, invented blogs, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Suddenly, anyone with a computer, power and a telephone line (preferably not XT) could set out their thoughts on any issue in real time.
So, we thought we would make the most of this new paradigm. The occasional “People’s Blog” feature is dedicated to asking real Malthouse punters about their two favourite beers. First up for Episode III is Andrew Childs. He lists his occupation as “International Man of Mystery” and here is what he had to say about beer:
“My beer tastes have developed since my $5 jug of Tui days of first year at Uni. I have learnt quality is better than quantity. But who am I kidding, who doesn’t love a large quantity of quality? Now two beers you say? Well of the hundreds of beers I have enjoyed both here and on my travels, and some simply tolerated, there are two that I will never get sick of. So without further ado we have Emerson’s Organic Pilsner and Armageddon India Pale Ale, both available on our favourite Courtenay place beer dispensary The Malthouse.
Emerson’s Organic Pilsner is the beer for any occasion. It is crisp, sooth, easy to drink and flavour explosions of awesome-tasty-deliciousness that hit your tongue with every sip. I always pick up big passionfruit flavours (but not ‘nasty passion-pop wine $7 bottle for 15-year old girls, or my 24 year old Scottish flatmate ‘wanting to get wasted’ flavours) but amazing complex flavours that have a lovely lingering taste that will leave you wanting a little more. Also you may think ‘oh organic it must be fairly average.’ Well on that front I would usually agree with you, because most other organic beers just don’t cut the mustard, or have a funny mustard smell that might come from the hippies that brew it. But (you can start with a but Neil!) if all organic beers tasted this good then ship me off to the naked hippy commune, because I’m in flavour country. This is one of the tastiest Pilsners on earth, even a Czech hippy would be well impressed!
Armageddon Pale Ale! Bam right in the kisser! This is what greets people when they try this obscenely hopped masterpiece for the first time (as well as the twenty first time, ok for the love of Jebus don’t try and drink 21 of these in one sitting). This is the third instalment of Luke “mother-expletive-ing hopslave” Nicholas’ beautifully hoptastic beers. This beer is hops! I had heard of hops before but this is the hoppiest hop that has ever hopped. Inspired by hugely hoppy American beers, Luke has created something that has so much flavour that many cannot handle the extremely hoppy jandal. Now, I could talk about its notes and its finish. But if you like hops… no, that will not do… if you LOVE hops this is the beer for you. Luke, what will you do next? And will it be too hoppy for human consumption? If so, sign me up because I couldn’t think of a better way to go!”
Marvellous stuff from Andrew. Next, onto Website Developer Mike Andrewartha who talks about his background and his two favourite beers:
“Hi, I’m Mike and I am a beer snob. Well, that’s what I have been told anyway… however I would rather prefer to say I prefer to take beer more seriously than others.
It all started about three years ago, when I was accepted into a community with monks. As a lay person, I carried on my life as usual but also had a big part in the community as the beer brewer, which I had taken up after meeting a monk from Christchurch who had been brewing beer for years and was quite passionate about the whole process.
A big part of being in the community was hospitality and just being present for both community members and visitors. In a nutshell that kinda meant not running away to your room or being out most of the week but instead taking an active role in whatever is happening in the community. That certainly includes sharing a drink or two with friendly travellers while they told stories of exotic faraway places and people they had met.
So beer to me is ‘social lubrication’, shared with people who have common interests. Types of beer spark healthy discussion about flavours and experiences. Bars are where I regularly meet friends and catch up on the weekly gossip or make new friends and learn about new beers on offer by amazingly talented brewers.
When I talk about my favourite beers, you hear a bit about who I am as a person and a lot about my past experiences.
One for example is the Mussel Inn Captain Cooker. It always brings me back to my visit to the Inn last year. Memories of the vibrant atmosphere, reliving travels around Golden Bay with friends, the hospitality of the staff and the live band come flooding back. Its spicy aroma and slight sweetness was unlike any beers that I had tasted before so it was definitely a winner in my book.
Another of my favourites is the Invercargill Brewery Smokin’ Bishop. This amazingly smoky beer was introduced to me by another volunteer at the last Beervana beer event. With a rich colour and very complex aroma, I enjoyed every sip of it. At 7% its worth taking it easy and letting the conversation flow. I remember at first being taken aback by the smell and flavour of the beer, it was just like being at my Grandfather’s place for Christmas. With the roast and the smoky fire that one of the family members would usually start in the evening. More often than not my Grandfather would then start singing songs from his childhood and we would all join in.
I hope you bring back your own memories soon by visiting your local craft beer bar.”
Again, a tremendous story. If you would like the opportunity to tell the world (or at least a little on-line part of it) about your favourite Malthouse beers, drop us a line on myfavouritebeer@themalthouse.co.nz.
Beer Writer
Real Beer New Zealand
Beer and Brewer Magazine
The People’s Blog I – http://www.themalthouse.co.nz/index.php/blog/98-the-peoples-blog
The People’s Blog II – http://www.themalthouse.co.nz/index.php/blog/108-the-peoples-blog-part-deux
Andrew Childs – http://www.newline.com/properties/austinpowersimom.html
Emerson’s Brewing Company – http://www.emersons.co.nz/
Epic Armageddon – http://epicbeer.com/epic-armageddon-ipa/
Mike Andrewartha – http://mike.andrewartha.co.nz/
Mussel Inn – http://www.musselinn.co.nz/
Invercargill Brewery – http://www.invercargillbrewery.co.nz/
Beervana 2010 – http://brewersguild.org.nz/beervana
Malthouse Facebook Group – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wellington/Malthouse/7084276173
Real Beer – http://www.realbeer.co.nz/blog/blog.html
Beer and Brewer Magazine – http://www.beerandbrewer.com/